Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Going for A Walk

June 2,2015

Start the walk here.
The door at the top of the stairs goes into our apartment. In that dark arch, you can just barely see a column. It is from Roman times, 2000 years ago. 
The beginning of the path that leads down a sharp ridge to the road.

View out from path a quarter of the way down.

Wiggly mama snake with 3 cute babies
Our favorite sign in all of France.
The path leads into the road  that these greenhouses are on. The noisy noisy frog ponds are just on your left.  This is the Ferme Bio that makes the ambrosial cheese. Oh yes, and the poppies in the wheat. JP is painting this now. The walk takes us up and along the ridge dead ahead next to the sky.

JP setting up. Our village is behind him up in the clouds. The path comes down the ridge on the right.
Anya, the lovely cheese lady. She was just back from a yearly village get together to which we would have been welcome. Oooooh dear. 

The view down from the upper ridge of the bowl. There are sunflowers just starting to grow in this red field. The village is right in the middle back. 

Just another little village seen from the road. Usually there are cows in this field.
Now we are back. The starting courtyard is on the other side of this building.
Meet me at 7:30 tomorrow morning and we can go together!  Better make it 8:30.

For something COMPLETELY different.
This was on the vegetable cart at market. What the heck?  I cut off that thick jacket and boiled it. It tasted like a beet wrapped in corn stalks and roasted over an open fire, except that it wasn't as tasty as either one. Dreadful looking thing, isn't it?
Time to go read to JP

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