OK, so this is only a recreation. Human breathing moisture breeding fungus almost destroyed the paintings in Lascaux so these are forever off limits except to a few. Clearly masterpieces equal to Picasso, Velasquez, Rembrandt and we got only five minutes. This artist was near to tears in frustration. To see more about the "Cave of Forgotten Dreams" or Chauvet cave in Villon-Pont d' Arche, France go to Click Here. We do recommend the visit. They have created an amazing , awe inspiring museum.
At the "Prehistorique" on the banks of the l' Ardeche where we spent the night before the visit.
Betsy attacks veal dinner too beautiful to eat. This is prehistorique? The French, you know, were always way ahead of the rest of us when it comes to cuisine.
Next day or 35,000 years,later, depending on how you are counting, JP starts his new painting.
I think that the "Cave of Forgotten Dreams" is a remarkable place, what more is that an artist was capable of drawing like that some 35,000 years ago! Very humbling, this must have been a remarkable experience for yourselves.